links for 2007-08-18
10 Linux shell tricks you don’t already know. Really, we swear. (tags: linux unix commandline shell tips tricks bash)
links for 2007-08-13
Robert Krampf’s Science Education Company (tags: science education experiment kids videos fun)
links for 2007-07-27
CPTec GmbH Gefahrensymbole für Sicherheitshinweise (tags: symbol warning danger gefahrensymbol gefahr warnung gebot hinweis)
links for 2007-07-25
RubyForge: rtex (tags: rubyonrails rails latex pdf)
links for 2007-07-17
Handling forms with multiple buttons (tags: rubyonrails helper rails plugin form submit)
links for 2007-06-21
the { buckblogs :here }: Helping ActiveRecord finders help you (tags: activerecord rails rubyonrails find random rest)
links for 2007-06-15
redMine It’s like trac but written in Ruby on Rails (tags: rails project management bugtracker svn) Composite Primary Keys (tags: rails activerecord database rubyonrails)
links for 2007-06-01
JSVI – VI in Javascript (tags: javascript vi editor web browser)
links for 2007-05-25
Nifty Corners Cube – freedom to round (tags: css javascript rounded corners webdesign web design)
links for 2007-05-24
Online Etymology Dictionary (tags: english etymology language history)