links for 2008-03-21
You Know What’s Stupid? Everything I Don’t Understand (tags: education funny humor knowledge satire onion culture article humour) View HD trailers in Front Row (tags: mac frontrow hd)
links for 2008-03-14
resource_search (tags: plugin rails search rest resource)
links for 2008-02-29
active_record_defaults (tags: activerecord plugin rails rubyonrails)
links for 2008-02-25
Taylors of Old Bond Street – shaving, straight edge razor, aftershave, mens gifts, luxury gifts, skin products (tags: Shopping grooming shaving)
links for 2008-02-22
rush – The Ruby Shell (tags: shell ruby unix commandline) Smart Scroll X (tags: software mac)
links for 2008-02-14
Restful Authentication with all the bells and whistles (tags: authentication code development restful rubyonrails rest rails) A black OS X Leopard Terminal theme that is actually readable (tags: console leopard mac macosx osx terminal colors themes shell)
links for 2008-01-26
fseventer (tags: apple filesystem mac osx tool monitoring)
links for 2008-01-17
iPhone Dev Center (tags: iphone design development apple programming mobile css reference)
links for 2008-01-16
Installing ImageMagick/RMagick on Leopard (tags: imagemagick leopard macosx rails)
links for 2008-01-13
zfs – Trac (tags: macosx opensource osx zfs)