links for 2009-01-03
CSS: Using an image matrix for navigation (tags: development css web design)
links for 2009-01-02
X● (tags: mac macosx osx video encoder h264)
links for 2008-12-29
Kessler-electronic (tags: electronic elektronik shop hardware)
links for 2008-12-21
ZFS iSCSI pool integration at (tags: mac osx solaris zfs backup iscsi storage)
links for 2008-12-19
reichelt elektronik – OnlineShop für PC-Komponenten, Elektronik – Festplatten, Mainboards, Motherboards, Karten, Kabel (tags: electronic electronics elektronik shop deutsch) – Sonderposten zu Superpreisen (tags: electronic elektronik shop restposten) SEGOR-electronics GmbH (tags: electronics hardware elektronik shop)
links for 2008-12-06
The M in MVC: Why Models are Misunderstood and Unappreciated – Maugrim The Reaper's Blog (tags: development programming design database model framework mvc webdevelopment) Känguru-Cursor (tags: vim editor keymap remap cursor)
links for 2008-11-29
Eiko Saito, Helga Silberstein: (tags: japanese learning)
links for 2008-11-27
Git for the Cocoa Developer: A Typical Workflow (tags: mac macosx programming workflow git versioncontrol) | NetBeans Git Module (tags: plugin netbeans git)
links for 2008-11-26
Multicolr Search Lab – Idée Inc. (tags: web2.0 cool photography flickr photo visualization color search)
links for 2008-11-20
Playing with OpenSSH public keys (tags: authentication sysadmin tricks ssh openssh authorized_keys)