links for 2008-08-19
Introduction to RubyCocoa (tags: ruby programming tutorial cocoa rubycocoa) Workshop OpenStep AnswerBook (tags: sun openstep programming documentation nextstep)
links for 2008-05-10 Ein (Sonder-)Zeichen setzen (tags: sonderzeichen typography html webdesign typographie web german)
links for 2008-05-07
Agile Ajax: Rails Development for iPhone with rails_iui (tags: iphone rails ui rubyonrails iui plugin)
links for 2008-05-03
CSS Dock Menu (tags: css javascript menu dock design web jquery gui webdesign) Raaum’s Rails Reader: ActiveRecord (tags: rails ActiveRecord rubyonrails reference documentation) Microformats Plugin for Safari – The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) (tags: microformats safari plugin leopard macosx osx)
links for 2008-04-30
Format your data using Rails composed_of Value Objects (tags: rails composed_of formatting presenter patterns)
links for 2008-04-28
form_for and overriding methods (tags: rails rubyonrails programming forms) On Choosing Type | i love typography, the typography blog (tags: typography design fonts webdesign type) Ten typographic mistakes everyone makes | Life, Tutorials | Receding Hairline (tags: typography writing type bestpractices)
links for 2008-04-27
Blub Paradox (tags: programming article) Blurminal (tags: terminal osx leopard mac plugin gui simbl)
links for 2008-04-26
Welcome To UPEK – Solutions – Protector Suite for Mac Preview (tags: security fingerprint mac)
links for 2008-04-25
Installing Open-Xchange on Unix (tags: open-xchange server installation openxchange sysadmin unix)
links for 2008-04-14
InfoQ Presentation: MetaProgramming Ruby (tags: ruby metaprogramming presentation) NASA Science – Science Mission Directorate (tags: science nasa space education astronomy Physics kids)