links for 2009-10-30
Dive Into HTML5 (tags: html5 standards markpilgrim web book webdev)
links for 2009-10-20
FreeBSD nur auf ZFS installieren (tags: zfs freebsd)
links for 2009-10-15
Setting up a ZFS-only system « lost in volumes (tags: gpt howto zfs freebsd boot)
links for 2009-10-13 iTunes LPs are a new format introduced by Apple in version 9.0 of their popular iTunes software. The idea is to recreate the old LP experience by providing additional content such a lyrics, liner notes, photographs and other content. (tags: itunes lp tutorial documentation) TWAIN SANE Interface for MacOS X (tags: scanner twain sane…
links for 2009-10-11
40+ Hand-picked Photoshop Icon Designs [Photoshop Tutorials] | Photoshop Tutorials (tags: photoshop web design graphics icons)
links for 2009-09-30
Toxic Progress Indicator | (tags: macosx development cocoa objective-c ui interface) Chad Weider » Dock Progress (tags: macosx programming development cocoa objective-c dock interface ui)
links for 2009-09-16
TV Calendar (tags: television schedule tv calendar)
links for 2009-09-07
Plesk: SSL-Zertifikat für qmail & courier IMAP « /var/bergercity/ (tags: plesk qmail courier ssl cert certificate imap pop3 smtp tls)
links for 2009-08-28
19 Rails Tricks Most Rails Coders Don’t Know (tags: snippets dev rubyonrails tips) The Rails Way: File Downloads Done Right (tags: rubyonrails apache downloads x-sendfile)
links for 2009-08-27
Typedia: A Shared Encyclopedia of Typefaces (tags: typefaces community typographie wiki typography fonts)