links for 2009-01-22
Objective-C: Logging Messages to Nil (tags: mac programming osx cocoa objective-c apple obj-c nil debugging)
links for 2009-01-21
Using MS Access with PostgreSQL – Postgres OnLine Journal (tags: postgresql access odbc postgres) Bahut: The Access ODBC PostgreSQL boolean mess (tags: postgresql access postgres fix odbc)
links for 2009-01-18
Destroy Today / DestroyFlickr (tags: air adobeair application photography flickr browser adobe client)
links for 2009-01-17
Proper Key-Value Observer Usage – Dave Dribin's Blog (tags: kvo cocoadev objective-c development mac programming osx cocoa macosx)
links for 2009-01-16
10 must-have Thunderbird Addons (+ 25 more) | (tags: extensions productivity addon thunderbird email)
links for 2009-01-14
Unified SCC – universal source control integration plugin (tags: plugin development scc visualstudio integration cvs svn bzr windows)
links for 2009-01-12
How to install Rhapsody DR2 in VMWare (tags: vmware rhapsody openstep driver)
links for 2009-01-11
Canon EOS Beginners' FAQ (tags: eos photos dslr faq photography digital education canon beginner)
links for 2009-01-10
Rolands Fotokurs: Home (tags: foto einstieg kurs anfänger german) Bernie's Better Beginner's Guide to Photography (tags: beginner camera art foto photography education digital photo)
links for 2009-01-04
MySQL vs. PostgreSQL (tags: postgresql mysql comparison rant) Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (tags: programming software reference book free education scheme sicp functional computerscience)