links for 2009-09-07
Plesk: SSL-Zertifikat für qmail & courier IMAP « /var/bergercity/ (tags: plesk qmail courier ssl cert certificate imap pop3 smtp tls)
Back up again
After a catastropic failure of the server I had to install everything from backups again. I hope everything is running like it was supposed to do.
links for 2009-08-28
19 Rails Tricks Most Rails Coders Don’t Know (tags: snippets dev rubyonrails tips) The Rails Way: File Downloads Done Right (tags: rubyonrails apache downloads x-sendfile)
links for 2009-08-27
Typedia: A Shared Encyclopedia of Typefaces (tags: typefaces community typographie wiki typography fonts)
links for 2009-08-26
One Div Zero: A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages (tags: programminglanguages humor cs)
links for 2009-08-08
Git Magic (tags: programming development versioncontrol git dvcs book)
links for 2009-07-31
The Chaos – A poem by Dr. Gerard Nolst Trenité (tags: language english writing vocabulary pronounciation)
links for 2009-06-30
Piwik – Web analytics – Open source (tags: analytics statistics webanalytics webstats charts)
links for 2009-06-19
Handy Web 2.0 Icons In Photoshop – Psdtuts+ (tags: design tutorial web photoshop web2.0 icons)
links for 2009-06-03
The Thing About Git (tags: programming subversion svn git versioncontrol scm vcs distributed)